"The Montessori Notebook
for parents
for educators
for children"
Direzione: Grazia Honegger Fresco e Lia De Pra Cavalleri
This was the issue for the 100 year celebration in 2007.
One of the Questions I received in Prague at the International Montessori Congress (July 2017) was how one can purchase this Italian Montessori journal. At our information table for our Saturday presentation of the Cosmic Task of 0-3 we were selling a small selection of these journals that we had brought with us. Grazia Honegger Fresco and a group of colleagues in Northern Italy have been publishing this journal "the Montessori Notebook" since 1984 and they just finished the final one (#133). Il Quaderno Montessori will continue to have an online presence at www.quadernomontessori.weebly.com/
The cost of each yearly subscription was 30 Euros for Italian orders and 43 Euros for foreign orders. Contact the below email address to find out about purchasing single issues or a partial set. Some numbers of the back issues are no longer available so a full set is no longer available.
To order back issues (only available in Italian) you can write an email to: quadernomontessori@fimail.org
The journal has beautiful photos, furniture designs with measurements, project ideas for children, and many, many articles on different aspects of Montessori education across the age span (birth through elementary school).
Just to give you a peek into the richness I've translated some article titles from a variety of issues:
Just to give you a peek into the richness I've translated some article titles from a variety of issues:
- An Interview with Flaminia Guidi: the use of material, errors and their corrections in a precious deepening of the Montessori work
- Our History as Written by the Universe: Montessori’s Cosmic Education, a vast project that shows the way for a new consciousness of everything, above all the children, though we all must grow towards it
- Montessori for Children with Special Needs
- Learning from the Senses: how and why the Montessori materials respond to the needs of the child and his need to understand reality through his own sensations
- The 3-6 Guide and the Materials: the use and the effectiveness of the sensorial materials are strictly related to the attitude of the adult. How to confront the most common problems
- Learning to Write with Enjoyment
- Remembering Juliana Sorge (1903-1987)
- The Newborn Speaks to Us: the creative communication of babies as shown by Adriano Milani Comparetti
- Montessori and the Special Needs Child (Parts 1 and 2)
- The Sense of Touch: Why Skin to Skin
- The Magic of Sound
- Cosmic Education and the Biosphere
- Educational Harmony in the Montessori Elementary School
From issue # 99
- Well being in 0-3 Childcare: What characterizes a Montessori Nido (0-3) in Italy? (Che cosa caratterizza in Italia un Nido montessoriano) a book edited by the Montessori Birth Center (Associazione Centro Nascita Montessori),
- Document – XXIII (edited by GHF), Rome: the Montessori Course in 1910 and the Children's House Run by the Convent of the Franciscan Nuns in via Giusti 12
- Montessori, If it Were Only that Easy: from self-esteem to the conquest of independence
- Ever So Active in the Phase before Getting to Their Feet
- The First Six Years of Life
- Pain and Labor
- Finally on his Feet
- The Mathematical Mind: Contradictions in the Math Materials?
- But it Looks like You Are Doing Nothing (0-3)
- The Mathematical Mind: by doing things you feed the mind
- The Mathematical Mind: sensorial experiences open up the mind
- The Mathematical Mind: the discovery of numbers, each child is differently-abled; Psychoarthrimitic, Psychogeometry, etc.
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